Tổng tiền thanh toán:
Wind speed | Generated by propeller Withstand wind speed: 90 m/sec. Starting speed: 2 m/sec. |
Wind direction | Airplane type blades Potentiometer |
Measuring range | Wind speed: 2 to 70 m/sec. Wind direction: 0 to 540°(16 divisions) |
Output voltage | Wind speed: 0 to 5 VDC / 0 to 70 m/sec. Wind direction: 0 to 5 VDC / 0 to 540° (540° = N-E-S-W-N-E-S) |
Power requirements | 12 VDC |
Power consumption | 10 mADC max. |
Size | 700 (D) x 760 (H) m/m |
Weight | Approx. 5.7 kg |
Tổng số thành tiền:
Miễn phí giao hàng toàn quốc
Tiếp tục mua hàngPhí vận chuyển: Tính khi thanh toán
Tiến hành thanh toán